Bethea Family

Genealogy Website

This is a history of the descendents of an Englishman who crossed the Atlantic Ocean from Great Britain to Virginia about 1700. The Bethea family expanded and grew over the last three hundred years.

The Bethea Family in North America

1700 - 2000

10th Generation DESCENDANT

Linda (Vickers) Zolliecoffer10


Linda Vickers Zolliecoffer10 , Daughter of Arline Bethea Vickers

"English" John Bethea1 -> "Virginia" John Bethea2 ->  "Sweat Swamp" William Bethea->"Devil John" Bethea 4 -> William Bethea5 -> Tristram Bethea 6 -> Dixon Pierce Bethea7 -> Albert Henry Bethea8 ->Arline Bethea Vickers9 -> Linda Zolliecoffer10

1st John "English John" Bethea  b. about 1684


2nd John "Virginia John" Bethea   b. about 1704 d. 1779


3rd  William "Sweat Swamp" Bethea  b. 1726,  d. about  1784


4th Bethea, John  "Devil John" (b. Oct. 1752) m. Mary Henegan (4th)  

5th Bethea, William  (b. 7-23-1775) m. Olivia Pearce , Sarah Hargrove  (5th)

6th Bethea, Tristram (b. Dec. 3 , 1802) m. Nancy McLaurin, Sarah Todd (6th)


Dixon Pierce Bethea .b. 1843 He married Nancy Elizabeth (Plair) 



ALBERT HENRY BETHEA, b. June 9, 1891, d. 1943. Married to Ruby Lee (George) Bethea b. 1900 d. Sept. 9, 1965.

9th Arline Bethea
10th Linda Vickers Zolliecoffer


Map of Tristram Bethea6's branch movement west starting in Marion Coutry, SC. By  the time of the US Census of 1850, they were living in Meriwether County, GA. Tristram's sons Tristram Pinkney7 and Dixon Pierce Bethea7 continued west to Arkansas. 


Significant Places Research Publications A Bethea Story Bethea Family English John Bethea



Copyright  2010 by T. P. Bethea, Jr., Monroe, Louisiana

Updated August 24, 2013
This is an electronic book publication - all rights reserved.