Bethea Family

Genealogy Website

This is a history of the descendents of an Englishman who crossed the Atlantic Ocean from Great Britain to Virginia about 1700. The Bethea family expanded and grew over the last three hundred years.

The Bethea Family in North America

1700 - 2000

11th Generation in North American
Pet Hendrick Bethay11 
b- Aug 2, 1938  
m- Sandra S. Pheneger  

Pet Hendrick Bethay11 Son of Wade Morton Bethay was born Aug 2, 1938  married Sandra S. Pheneger.  4 children including Kevin W. Bethay12.

"English" John Bethea1 -> "Virginia" John Bethea2 ->  "Sweat Swamp" William Bethea->
 Goodman Bethea4 -> Jesse Bethea5 -> Jesse Council Bethea6 ->Goodman H. Bethea7 -> John Chesley Bethay/Bethea8 ->Fletcher Knox Bethay9 ->Wade Morton Bethay10 -> Pet H. Bethay11

1st John "English John" Bethea #66 666 b. about 1684


2nd John "Virginia John" Bethea #6 666  b. about 1704 d. 1779


3rd  William "Sweat Swamp" Bethea #6 66601= #666. b. 1726,  d. about  1784


4th Goodman Bethea  #66602 b- oct 1759 S.C. m- Mary Council - 2 children
poss more. He served as a Lieutenant in Revolutionary War, he's also on
the 1790 census. Brother to Devil John

5th  Jesse Bethea #666022 not much known about this Jesse, born in S.C.
believed to have removed to Wilcox Co. Al with his son Jesse Council,
possibly buried in unmarked grave in Reaves Chapel Cemetery, Wilcox , Al.

6th   Jesse Council Bethea  #6660221 m- Cynthia Henry (she is rumored to
be related to Patrick Henry) 6 children.


7th Goodman H. Bethea #66602212  abt 1825 (He served in the Mexican wars
 and was mustered out of service in Memphis). 6 children 



John Chesley Bethay/Bethea
  #66602212 / 4   b- oct 1856 m- Laura Bell Dutton. 10 children


Fletcher Knox Bethay
  #66602212 / 46  b-jan 26, 1896
  m- Ruby Pearl Patterson 4 children


Wade Morton Bethay  #66602212 / 461 b- sep 19, 1914  
m- Willie Mae Barber 5 children















Pet H. Bethay  #66602212 / 4611     b- aug 2,1938  m- Sandra S. Pheneger  4 children



Significant Places Research Publications A Bethea Story Bethea Family English John Bethea



Copyright  2010 by T. P. Bethea, Jr., Monroe, Louisiana
This is an electronic book publication - all rights reserved.