Bethea Family

Genealogy Website

This is a history of the descendents of an Englishman who crossed the Atlantic Ocean from Great Britain to Virginia about 1700. The Bethea family expanded and grew over the last three hundred years.

The Bethea Family in North America

1700 - 2000

10th Generation in North America

Sabrina Aleish Bethea Lytle10 
Born 6/4/82
Married Robert Lee Lytle II July 13, 2002.



Blane Rodney Bryan Lytle 11 Born 6/4/05

"Blane" Rodney Bryan Lytle

  "Blane" Rodney Bryan Lytle  
  .Sabrina with Grandparents at Fla. State University  
 She graduated from Florida State University on December 13,2003 with a B.S. in Elementary Education and will begin teaching immediately in the Taylor County Florida School system.

Married Robert Lee Lytle II on July 13, 2002. Robert is a Firefighter/EMT with the Taylor County Florida Fire and Rescue.


  Sabrina Aleish Bethea Lytle (10), born 1982. Daughter of Willard Bryan Bethea and Kit Schmid Bethea Married Robert Lee Lytle II July 13, 2002.  
  Sabrina with Husband Robert Lee Lytle II.  
  Honeymoon Cruise 2002  

Hunting photo 2003

Sabrina Aleish Bethea Bryan, Sabrina and Kit on Senior Night at the football game in Sabrina’s Senior Year 2000. She was Captain of the Cheerleading Squad at Taylor County High school.
Homecoming parade in her Senior year in high school.    
All the grand children of James Wilson Bethea and Jessie Belle Bethea on July 4, 2000. In front are Sabrina Bethea and Kristy Bethea Mosely. In back are Brandi, Brad, Lucas and Courtney Bethea


"English" John Bethea1 -> "Virginia" John Bethea2 ->  "Buckswamp" John Bethea3->
Parker Bethea4 -> John Harllee Bethea5 -> James John Bethea6 -> Loundis Byran Bethea7
James Wilson Bethea8
-> Willard Bryan Bethea9 -> Sabrina Aleish Bethea10


1st John "English John" Bethea  b. about 1684

2nd John "Virginia John" Bethea   b. about 1704 d. 1779


3rd  "Buckswamp" John Bethea settled Buck Swamp abt. 1756

4th Parker Bethea  b. 3-17-1790, d. 12-27-1867 

5th John Harllee Bethea b. 9-2-1815, d. 9-7-1894 m. Catherine Ann Roberts.

6th James John Bethea  b.12-2-1862 d. ? Married Martha Louisa Roberts.

7th Loundis Bryan Bethea b.1911, d..1968 and married Melba Jackson

8th James Wilson Bethea b. 1932 married Jessie Belle Ellison


Willard Bryan Bethea b. 1953 m. Kit Schmid Bethea

10th Sabrina Aleish Bethea Lytle b. 1982


Significant Places Research Publications A Bethea Story Bethea Family English John Bethea



Copyright  2010-Present by T. P. Bethea, Jr., Monroe, Louisiana
This is an electronic book publication - all rights reserved.